Steph raises the most for big sister

As entry for the 2019 Pendle Pub Walk opens, the woman who raised the most money last year is encouraging others to raise a glass and join in this year.  

Stephanie Scott, 29, raised £1,247 of the £92,183 final total achieved in 2018. More than 2,700 walkers took part in the 10th year of the circular route through some of the area’s most scenic countryside.

Taking part was especially poignant for Steph – the walk took place on the weekend which would have been her sister Tammy’s 35th birthday.

Tammy passed away at Pendleside Hospice in November 2017 after being diagnosed with metastatic malignant melanoma. The cancer spread throughout her body and into her bones – especially her spine – putting pressure on some nerves and causing her to lose the use of her legs.

Pendleside helped Tammy with physiotherapy to help her try and walk again. She managed to walk a few steps again using a frame, but didn't manage to walk unaided or for more than a few steps.

Steph said: “We were all so happy and proud of Tammy – she never gave up fighting and was so determined to walk again. The staff at Pendleside were really supportive and friendly and it’s where she ultimately passed away – she had only been there for a day.”

Losing Tammy left Steph determined to fundraise for the hospice which had supported her big sister along the way. She signed up for the Pendle Pub Walk in June last year, despite being diagnosed herself with Epidermolysis Bullosa Simplex (EB), which means her feet blister easily.

She said: “I didn't enjoy the rain on the day! But it was really good to have my friends on the walk to support me. They knew it was something close to my heart with it being on Tammy's birthday weekend – it was an emotional time but having such a good group of friends to support me really helped.”

Steph is now getting ready to sign up again for the Pendle Pub Walk 2019.

“We’ve already spoken about doing it again this year and it’s a definite yes! I have a feeling it may become a new tradition with us,” she said.

“I would tell anyone thinking of signing up for this year to definitely do it. Pendleside is such a good cause – the hospice relies on donations to keep going and the work they do is amazing and vital. All the staff have all been really good and supported my family since losing Tammy. Even if you aren't a walker or a drinker, the atmosphere on the day is so good, anyone would enjoy it.”

Pendle Pub Walk 2019 walkers can start from either the Sparrowhawk in Fence or Barley Village Hall before completing the circular route through Fence, Barley, Roughlee, Blacko, Higherford and Barrowford.

The walk is open for entries at www.­pendlepubwalk.­co.­uk and www.­pendleside.­org.­uk