Dying Matters week 10-16 May 2021

This dying matters week we are encouraging people to talk more about what they want from their care when they are reaching the end of their life.

Talking about death doesn’t bring death closer. It’s about planning for life, helping us make the most of the time that we have. However, starting the conversation, particularly with those close to you, is never easy. We don’t want to upset people, or sound gloomy. Still, families commonly report that it comes as a relief once the subject is brought out into the open. You are able to express your wishes about the way you wish to be cared for, how you’d like to die, or what you’d like to happen after you die. This helps you and your loved ones to cope better both emotionally and practically with what your death could mean.

It doesn't have to be the big things either. You don't have to have a bucket list. But imagine you were in a care setting; what would you want the people caring for you to know? Would you like music playing? Is it important to you that they know how many sugars you have? Do you want someone to do your hair and make up for you if you can't? Where would you like to be when the end comes? Those smaller details might be very important to you or someone you love and it's important that we feel comfortable having those conversations so that you know you will have the best life right until the end.

If you’re worried about getting it wrong with those you love, you can discuss it first with someone else you respect and trust – a nurse, friend or work colleague, for example.

Sometimes talking about important subjects like this isn’t a matter of having one ‘cover all’ conversation – it can be many small ones.

That's why we're asking people to tell three people what matters most to them. This week we'll share a daily video about people having this conversation, what matters to them and why it is important to them.

Introduction- https://­youtu.­be/­x5BoqMaCOu0

For you, what is important for the future?- https://­youtu.­be/­jLnRWjyCCQ0

If you were coming towards the end of your life what would you want people to know about what matters to you- https://­youtu.­be/­DfubGgwYoHU

What helps you to make decisions about your life?- https://­youtu.­be/­wNEgDNXn9ww

What would you not wish to happen in the future?- https://­youtu.­be/­aIV4iSj_­d48

How have your views or decisions changed as a result of COVID-19?- https://­youtu.­be/­CXIrjIzh2rI


We hope that you'll join in the conversation too.


For more information you can go to